Hello my dear family....This is going to be not so short but maybe a little sweetish - not to be confused with Swedish - because I'm certainly NOT Swedish - I'm more Polish really...but who cares. I don't know how many times I've agonized over posting lately...I hate it and that fact is so obvious if you look closely - notice the huge gaps of time between posts...doesn't that SAY something to you??? I does to me...I tells me that my heart isn't in this - I don't mind the writing...it's the picture taking and the time consuming task of getting the images OUT of the camera, ON to the computer, and INTO my post - insane!! I wish I lived in the good old days of parchment and quills - so simple to write what's on your mind - or paint a picture with words..to show someone else what you saw or experienced...this modern world is too much for me. I can't get excited about cutting and pasting codes and remembering where the heck I've stored my memory stick or to which fantastic photo shop I sent all my snaps. I simply can't keep track of it all...and I DON'T WANT TO!! There, I've said it...I adore each of your blogs - my dear children... - they are bright and smart and funny and informative and clever...so keep up the great work and read each others often. I'll write when I can, and I'll stick a photo in if I can figure it out each time...sometimes I feel obligated to share every image I've captured during the previous month (or 6)!
I like to write because I like to write - but the pressure I feel when it comes to blogging takes the fun out of it. None of you seem to experience this anxiety - so I assume it comes with age or growing up in the days of snail mail etc.
I'll continue to fill my desk calendar with undecipherable scribbles, which doubles as my "journal"..and when I get a spare moment, and if something is important to me or all of us...I'll share a bit of it - I wish I had enough free time to re-write my journal scratchings. Someday I'll be dead and VERY embarrassed that I didn't get everything all nice and neat for my darlings to read. I encourage ALL writing and recording of family events, memories, etc. along with photos - it's FAMILY HISTORY. The only catch for me is...I've so much family history of my parents to work on, that posting to my blog for the simple reason that I now feel GUILTY if I don't..is almost a like a misuse of my time.
Wow, I had no idea I felt this passionately about NOT posting often! Now that I've found some release and relief...I might just be able to handle random writing!
Hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving - wherever you are! Mike and I are driving down to Arivaca with Grandma in tow, to cook turkey dinner for Luke and the boys at the ranch - then we'll come home and he'll fly up to Utah to find Rennie & the kids. Everyone has gone their separate ways this year...This is going to be a very different holiday but we're very excited...aren't we Mikey??!!!
Okay...so here are a few recent snaps I wanted to share...
Robin had a really bad case of tonsillitis - gee, she doesn't LOOK sick - but you should have heard her on the phone - poor baby - sick in paradise!
So here Mike and I are with Kim, Beth and cousin Roy Julian & wife Clare in Sedona just before we took off on a beautiful hike up to the Indian ruins.
This is adorable Anna Kay Hallows...look at those big eyes...she was standing ALONE last night at Grandma's 90th Birthday party at Mel's house...she's only 9 months old for Pete's sake! She was a show stopper to say the least!
Carter was very happy about his new Monster Truck - what a handsome 4 year old! Notice the caterpillar on Jackson's upper lip!
What an idiot...Erik, you are SO easy to please - just give you a little bag of money and watch your face light up!
Carter carried all his stuff home in his new backpack!
Queen Frances Margaret Wolfgang Smith 90 years young! One of you got a nice picture of her and the lovely "memory photo" book we made (Mel, the cover was PERFECT!) Thanks to all who sent in their letters and photos...those who haven't can still make contributions - we'll continue to add letters etc to her book - she says she has gone through it several times a day ever since the party!
What a lovely party - fit for a queen! The bouquet from Carolyn Sue and family was beautiful and the cake was somewhat wonderful if I DO say so myself!
So, this is a new addition to my posts - I hope you read these words of wisdom, my darling children...and take them into your bosoms!
"Mimi's Annoying Health Section"
Here's Dr. Weil's advice on Three very unhealthy Breakfast choices...
1 Doughnuts. High in sugar, trans-fats, calories and refined flour, doughnuts are not only bad for your waistline, but ultimately disastrous for your energy levels as well. The high sugar content is likely to end in a midday energy crash. If you crave a doughnut, try a piece of whole-grain bread with some jam and peanut butter instead.
2 Fast-Food “Breakfast Sandwiches.” The combination of low-quality, fried meats, processed cheese, and refined breads adds up to a high-calorie, high-sodium, fat-laden food. A better option is to make a sandwich at home – include whole-grain bread, low-fat cheese and fresh veggies, for an added dose of fiber.
3 Sugared Cereal. While different brands vary widely in the amount of added sugars (do your homework and read the labels), sugared cereals should not be a part of your morning routine - or your diet, period. If you crave sweetness, try adding a teaspoon of sugar or stevia to unsweetened whole-grain cereals, or try a bowl of steel-cut oats with some blackstrap molasses, which provides an added dose of calcium.
Here's to our good health...PS - stay away from caffeine - read the Ensign article!!!