Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Fresh Grilled Cat !!

Okay, kids...there's no picture to go along with this story, so just try to use your imagination. The day before Thanksgiving (Wed) we drove Grandma into work with us so she could get a perm and then travel with us down to Lukey's Ranch. Well...Mike stopped at Love's for some delicious gasoline, and Grandma and I sat in the Avalanche wondering what was so interesting about our seemed everyone was eyeballing the black beauty and we couldn't figure it out. Sure, it's a very nice pimped-out mode of transport - but the attention was unusually heavy that morning. Then Mike opened the door and pulled the hood release - I asked what all the fuss was about and he said everyone heard a cat and one fellow spotted it behind the grill. {well, I could've told him THAT...I heard it before we left our driveway, but thought it was UNDER the truck) So everyone joined in to extricate the furry freeloader. It was a beautiful black cat I'd seen in the hood, so we stuck it in the back end with the luggage and continued into BHN. Mike was going to let it go in the yard of the warehouse, but decided to turn around and drive all the way back to Maricopa with the fine feline. Oh, when we opened the tailgate, sure was sharpening it's claws on Grandma's nice red over-night bag! ( I pictured the scene from Grumpier Old Men when the cat was put in the car with the new upholstery!)
He returned an hour later and said the dumb animal just sat there on our driveway and wouldn't move - but it was gone 2 days later when we returned.
Soooo, the best part of this story is me telling precious Allison all about it and I'm using my hands to show the cat stuck behind the grill - probably screaming all the way down the freeway for 25 miles at top speed...and she says "why do you keep doing this? (and she mimicks my fingers spread across my face the front grill of the truck) Isn't the grill like THIS...(and she puts her hands flat like a table top)...and I say WHAT? and she says..why didn't it just jump off? and I say WHAT? and she say's why didn't it just jump off the grill? and I say what the hell are you talking about? and she says...aren't you saying a cat was up on the BBQ grill you're taking down to Luke's? By then I'm on the floor...for one thing - why the hey would I be hauling a BBQ grill to the ranch? and second...well, there IS no second - it was just the most hilarious thing in the world watching her try to figure out the whole thing...she's so precious!


Anonymous said...

....i will cuuuuuuuuut you.
{ps. your story is a little whack. but whatever makes it better}

Chris & Jackie Kontoes said... i cant believe the story got better and better!!!!
this is robin by the way!

Unknown said...

oh man this is hilarious. i loved seeing your face last night!