Friday, April 09, 2010

The Crazy Things YOUR Children Say & Do!!

Ok, this is something new. I'm going to try and write down some of the crazy, hilarious, and poignant things your children say and do so I don't forget...and just in case I haven't remembered to tell YOU parents about them for your own record. The latest was yesterday April 8th, with Abi - who had a sleepover in Ruby's room. We all woke up and learned that Grandma Smith had suffered a bad nosebleed during the night and needed she sat at the bottom of the stairs and yelled and banged her cane on the wall from 4am to 6am trying to wake us up. Well, after we took care of Grandma, I was outside sitting on a chair holding Abi while we watched Nui run around, and asked her if she had a good sleep...she said "yes, but somebody was building" - I just about fell off my perch! Here's poor Grandma banging away for help and Abi's wishing the hammering would stop! Wednesday the 7th, Amy brought the kids in to BHN for me to watch while she took her test at ASU and I told Abi the Aunt Ruby was meeting us...she said "I don't want her to meet us" I said WHAT? Why? "Cause she always copies me and makes me do things HER way, that's the problem!" I said "Aunt Ruby doen'st COPY 4 year olds!" she turned to me and said "Well, she does ME!" (Allison was trying to hide her face behind her monitor - hilarious, right?) well later Robin met us at Sonic to pick up Nui and take him home with her. Abi was still dead set against her joining us so when Rob walked up and greeted us through the open window...Abi said "why don't you just go back to your car" (OMG) When Rob left I asked her why she was being so mean to sweet Aunt Ruby...she said...." Cause when she takes me shopping, all she wants to look at is JEWELRY!... THAT'S the PROBLEM!" Okay..I'm dying about that time..but I ask, "well, what do YOU want to look at?" the answer comes..."DRESSES" (with the 'duh' face) "little dresses for me and little pants for Max!" Of course by that evening she is snuggled up in bed next to Ruby having a sleepover! What a girl! More to come...just had to get these latest quotes down before I forgot! Okay...another thing Abi said.. "Mimi, next time you fly to China take ME..." earlier she told me she was born in China and that her parents were married in China - she's so funny! and I get to spend a lot of time with her since she lives around the corner right now!